Friday topped off a super first week back following the half term break as staff and Y11 students celebrated their achievements in the October’s mock examinations. We celebrated high scores, progress made and recognised the next steps in the Y11 journey that students can make to reach their target grades.
Students were also subjected to breakfast on the house; bacon and sausage butties! Served by Mr Brooke, Mrs Perkins and Mrs Quinn nonetheless.
It was a special moment in which teaching staff such as Mr Leonard, Mrs Mundin and Mr Etherington, amongst others, could share their pride with Y11 in there commitment to their studies and the progress they had made in a short period of time since the last academic year. Through hard work in class, attending their bespoke enrichment after school and accessing home learning through Hegarty Maths, GCSEpod and Language Nut.
Admittedly some students were disappointed in particular results shown on their mock results letter but understood that Y11 is a marathon and students appeared to be determined. Mr Brooke and Mrs Quinn identified the next steps in how we can continue to move closer to our academic goals and we as an academy will be in full support at all times.
Well done Y11! We are proud of you!