Academy Advisory Board

On behalf of all the Academy Advisory Board, I would like to welcome you to the AAB section of the Ash Hill Academy Website. Here you can access more information about the Academy, its partners, the role of an AAB Member, AAB policies and procedures, and details of how to become a Member of the AAB. –

Carol Cartwright Chair of AAB, Ash Hill Academy.

“At Ash Hill Academy, we pride ourselves on providing a wide range of opportunities and experiences, which allow young people to succeed and fulfil their potential. The Academy is dedicated, through our excellent staff, to the creation of a challenging personalised environment which encourages growth and development, towards independence and preparation for further education and employment.  We do not achieve this in isolation, but work closely with local partner schools, parents and community groups, to build a caring ethos which meets the needs of our learning community.

To this end, Ash Hill Academy is committed to developing its extensive resources, to raise students’ aspirations and to invigorate the curriculum.  In particular, the academy’s visual arts specialism will allow us to draw on our own strengths, to bridge the gap between secondary, higher education and the world of work.  Offering students an insight into a wide range of employment skills and opportunities within the Visual and Performing Arts industry.

Whilst students’ progress and development is our main priority, their safety and welfare is also of paramount importance. Governors will ensure that the appropriate systems are in place, which will provide all students with a safe and secure learning environment, that allows everyone to learn and be valued for their contribution.

Our sponsor was Schools Partnership Trust Academies from September 2011 to September 2016, and we are now sponsored by Delta Academies Trust as of October 2016, offering us a network of support and challenge.  This is a co-operative relationship that brings additional resources and opportunities for our staff and students. Delta’s ethos of ‘Changing Lives’ enables us to develop partnerships within and beyond Doncaster. It continues to support us with close links to our primary partners and the wider community, in developing a learning hub that is at the heart of the local area.

I hope you find the information on this website both interesting and informative. The website can only give you so much information, so I hope you will take the opportunity to visit the Academy, to help to decide whether this is the best school for your child. We look forward to welcoming you and to showcasing what we at Ash Hill Academy are achieving and offering.”

Current AAB Members:

  • Richard Brooke – Executive Principal (Ex-officio)
  • Mat Hicks – Principal
  • Carol Cartwright – Chair (Delta Member)
  • Anthony Long – Vice Chair (Delta Member)
  • Graham Ward – Delta Member
  • Carole Orridge – Delta Member

If you wish to speak to the Chair of the Academy Advisory Board (AAB), please contact the clerk to the AAB, Mrs Holland, at: 

Ash Hill Academy, Ash Hill, Hatfield, Doncaster, DN7 6JH 

Telephone: 01302 562541 

Correspondence addressed Private and Confidential will be forwarded to the Chair of AAB, unopened.