Exams Overview

Information for students and parents

Examinations can be a stressful time for all of the family, not just the student actually taking the examination. In this section, you’ll find revision tips, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and all of the official information from JCQ that is given to students every year.

To help your child deal with exam stress, Young Minds have produced a page providing practical advice and tips. Please click the link below for more information.

Please ensure that you:

  • Ensure that your child attends school regularly and on time
  • Talk to your child about their learning, work they has to do and deadlines
  • Contact your child’s tutor if you have any questions or concerns about your child
  • Attend Parents’ Evening
  • Check your child’s revision timetable for mock exams
  • Check your child’s examination timetable and ensure they understands when their exam take place. If an exam is missed your child will not be awarded any marks for that exam.
  • Read your child’s copy of the Summer Examination Timetable
  • Attend all meetings and workshops organised for parents to assist their children with GCSE work.


Students will have many deadlines to meet during this year. You can help your child by:

  • Monitoring their coursework. Find out what they have to do and when it has to be handed in
  • Making sure they are doing some work every evening
  • Contacting their tutor if they say they have no work to do, or if they are worried about a piece of work
  • Encouraging them to attend Enrichment, half-term and Easter revision classes
  • Encouraging them to use the numerous websites available to support their coursework and revision
  • Provide them with a quiet place to study
  • Make sure they takes regular breaks
  • Ensure that they eat healthy food and drink plenty of water
  • Ensure that they go to bed at a reasonable time and get enough sleep
  • Ensure that they revise thoroughly for both the mock and final examinations.

You can contact your child’s Learning Manager if you wish to discuss any GSCE related issues.


Certificates from before 2018: In accordance with the JCQ regulations certificates from previous years are not held for longer than 12 months after they are awarded. If you have lost, misplaced or did not collect certificates then you must approach the individual awarding bodies for replacements. The school cannot do this for you it is on an individual basis.