Transition Days – 10th and 11th July 2023
We look forward to inviting your child to the Ash Hill Academy on the 10th and 11th of July 2023, from 8.25am to 2.30pm (enhanced transition for selected students will take place on the 12th July). This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to taste life as a student at Ash Hill Academy. All visiting students will spend two days accessing a range of lessons, meet the teachers and new friends, whilst experiencing amazing enrichment opportunities.
The process of transferring to a secondary academy can be daunting, but here at Ash Hill Academy we do our best to ensure your child is already comfortable and familiar with the academy long before their official education here begins. During Years 5 and 6 a number of different enrichment activities are offered to all our feeder primaries for students to take part in, these range from sporting competitions, Bake Offs, clay modelling and CSI workshops. There are also other one off events where younger students visit the academy, this is mostly for sports related activities but also when we are able to offer specific curriculum support to the primaries, e.g. French workshops.
Once students have been offered a place at this academy, staff from Ash Hill Academy begin liaising with primary staff so that we are well informed about each child who will be starting in September. The information shared is vital as it is not only about your child’s academic progress, but also their social and emotional strengths and areas to develop and any special educational needs that they may have. Consequently, by the time September arrives, with the help of the children’s primary teachers, the Student Support Officer for Year 7-9, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and the Vice Principal for Inclusion will already have a clear picture of each child about to join the academy. In addition, Ash Hill Academy requires all students who will be transferring to their school in September to complete Cognitive Ability Tests (CATS), these tests, combined with SATs results and primary teaching assessments, provide a very good picture of your child’s educational strengths and abilities and therefore enables us to ensure they are placed within the correct academic set when they start school.
All students who will be joining us in September will make a number of visits during July of Year 6. The purpose of this is twofold. Firstly, it gives students the opportunity to further familiarise themselves with the site and with the staff who will be working closely with them. This is done through students participating in fun related activities with members of teaching staff. Secondly it enables key staff at Ash Hill to introduce themselves to the students and answer any questions they may have.
Every year we develop and improve upon our transition process, based on feedback from students and parents so that we can continue to be confident that students receive the best experience when moving to secondary education. For further information on areas such as uniform, timings of the school day etc, please see the Parent Handbook, or other related pages on this website. If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact the academy and ask to speak to the Year 7 learning manager, Mrs L Smethhurst, or Mrs Parker-Browne Transition Co-ordinator.
We want all new students and parents coming to Ash Hill to feel excited and comfortable when they arrive here. Our aim is to ensure that every student entering our academy in year 7 is confident, happy and excited for this new phase in their life.
Are the first few weeks difficult?
There are lots of differences between Primary and Secondary school when you first move up. However, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about! Our super friendly staff are on hand to help you out, you’ll meet lots of new people and fit in in no time.
I’m worried about getting lost?
Ash Hill Academy is probably a lot bigger than your primary school, but this just means there’s so much more room for activities. We have some incredible subject specific areas such as our top spec IT suites, our fully kitted out catering classrooms, DT construction and workrooms, music, drama, art, PE. We’re super spoiled at Ash Hill Academy to have so much space! But don’t worry, you’ll be navigating like a pro in no time!
What happens if I get lost?
In your first few weeks it’s normal to get lost or not know where to go sometimes. But don’t worry, staff will be on the corridors to guide you and you can always ask your current teacher where to go next before leaving their classroom.
What happens if I am late to lesson?
Attendance and being on-time are super important. However, we know that in your first week or two, you might struggle to get from lesson to lesson on time. But you should always ensure you arrive at the Academy in plenty of time to make it to your first lesson, and ensure you leave break and lunch times early if you need to figure out where to go.
How long are my lessons?
Lessons fit into ‘periods’, these periods are an hour long. Sometimes you can have ‘double periods’ this means that your lesson carries on across 2 periods of the day, meaning it is 2 hours long.
How long is Break and Lunch?
Morning break is 15 minutes long, and lunch is 30 minutes. Break and lunches are split so you won’t be sharing the space or time with every year group.
Is it difficult to keep organised?
No. Just make sure you have a copy of your timetable at home so that you can prepare your bag the night before. Don’t forget your daily essentials such as your planner, knowledge organiser, reading book (this will be provided for you) and writing equipment. You will also help yourself by having a bag large enough to fit items such as larger A4 exercise books, water bottles and your PE kit.
Will I have lots of homework?
Not if you stay organised and keep on-top of what you need to do. Every day, you will be expected to study for around one hour. Home learning will be in three 20 minute parts:
- Knowledge Organisers and quizzing.
- Sparx Maths
- Reading for pleasure.
In addition to the above students may receive further home learning tasks on platforms such as GCSE Pod and Language Nut. These should be completed in addition to the above.
What if I forget my Homework?
Your form tutor and year leaders will monitor the completion of your homework. We’re firm but fair. You will receive a reminder if you forget to complete your work, but this will be followed up with a detention if the work is still not completed. If you are struggling to complete your homework, you must tell someone about it or get help from the Library. Your class teacher or your form tutor would be best.
Why might I get a detention?
Most students make it through school without getting a detention, and that should be your aim! However, sometimes things don’t go quite right, and consequences are issued. Detentions are most commonly for being late to the Academy or lessons without a valid reason, not submitting homework or coursework on time or causing a disruption to the learning of other students. Avoid doing these things, and you’ll avoid getting detentions!
What is the food like, can I bring my own?
We have a fantastic range of different hot and cold food on offer each day for morning break and at lunch time, which you pay for using your fingerprint! But if you wish, you are welcome to bring a packed lunch, so long as it doesn’t contain prohibited items such as fizzy pop, energy drinks or chewing gum.
Can I bring mobile phones, iPods or other electronic devices into school?
You are not allowed to use iPods, phones or other devices in school (Unless they are a school issued tablet or laptop). If you do bring your device to school, it must remain switched off and in your bag from the moment you cross the blue line in the morning until you cross it again leaving at the end of the day. If you are caught using your device even at break or lunch time, they will be confiscated, and your parent/carer will have to collect it from reception.
Will I need to bring my PE kit on my first day?
Yes. Your timetable will start on day 1, and you might have PE that day.
Are there any clubs for year 7’s?
There is a huge range of enrichment activities after-school from 2:30 until 3:30 for year 7’s to get involved in. These change throughout the year so there’s always something that sparks your interest.