Where Next?

After Year 11, you need to go on to further study in a school sixth form, a college (including sixth form colleges) or training provider. More information here

Local Information – FE and HE and Apprenticeships

Further Education (FE) refers to educational choices made after your 16th birthday. It covers all qualifications lower than a degree. Everyone has to study FE until they are 18.

Higher Education (also known as HE) doesn’t just mean going to university. You have lots of other options, and alternative routes to gain a degree. If you want to study a degree you can do this either at University, or a further education college. 

On an apprenticeship, you’re employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification – usually for one day a week either at a college or training centre

Careers Help

Qualified Careers Adviser @ Ash HillHelen Green is our qualified careers adviser, providing impartial and confidential information, advice and guidance: Click here for more info  Careers/jobs (ideas or no idea)  Pathways (sixth form, college, apprenticeship, training programme)  Finding an apprenticeship  Filling in application forms  Drafting a CV  Job search and interview techniques  Progression on to a degree (university), or degree apprenticeship
National Careers ServiceNeed to chat to a careers advisor from the National careers service? Their number is 0800 100 900 or you can chat online here
Course Search ToolUse the course search tool to look for different types of learning opportunities. All providers are included, including; sixth forms, colleges and training providers.
National Apprenticeship ServiceFind an apprenticeship Click here to search and apply for an apprenticeship in England  Telephone: 0800 015 0400

School sixth forms, colleges and sixth form colleges

Provider TypeProvider & WebsitePhone Number
School Sixth FormAstrea Academy Woodfields01302 312140
School Sixth FormCampsmount Academy01302 700002
School Sixth FormHall Cross Academy01302 320626
School Sixth FormMcAuley School01302 537396
School Sixth FormRidgewood School01302 783939
School Sixth FormSir Thomas Wharton01709 864100
School Sixth FormTrinity Academy01405 813000
School Sixth FormXP School01302 898792
Sixth Form CollegeNew College Doncaster01302 976 777
UTCDoncaster UTC01302 976 515
Further Education CollegeDoncaster College0800 358 7575
Further Education CollegeRotherham College01709 362111
Further Education CollegeClub Doncaster Sports College01302 764663


Apprenticeships make sure you’re ‘job ready’ for the role you have trained for. Apprentices earn a salary right from day one of their employment and training. If you think you need better skills and need more work experience so that you’re ready to apply for your chosen apprenticeship – you could consider doing a traineeship. If you are interested in an apprenticeship, you must also have a back up plan and apply for a course as well.

Here are some links with help finding apprenticeships

Apprentice Hub Find an Apprenticeship – click here to go to site
National Apprenticeship Service Find an apprenticeship Click here to search and apply for an apprenticeship in England  Telephone: 0800 015 0400

Training Providers

Not ready for college, sixth form or an apprenticeship?  Interested in gaining some work experience?  Why not look at either a Study Programme or Traineeships?

YMCADevelop your skills with our Study Programmes, Traineeships and Apprenticeships at Central YMCA Doncaster
ORACLE TRAININGTraining for careers in the Hair and Beauty Industry
Doncaster GTA ApprenticeshipsApprenticeships in Business and Administration, Customer Service Practitioner and Motor Vehicle
White Rose School of Health & Beauty
(Learning Curve)
Courses in Beauty Therapy, Nail Services, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Massage Therapy, Sports Massage and Hair and Media Make-up
QPD Forces Preparation Helping students progress into the Military

Financial Information

You can apply for a 16 to 19 Bursary Fund to help with education costs.

Child Benefits

Your Child Benefit stops on 31 August on or after your child’s 16th birthday if they leave education or training. It continues if they stay in approved education or training, but you must tell the Child Benefit Office. More information here