Pupil Safety

Useful contact numbers

Childline: Call free on 0800 1111
Samaritans: Call free on 0800 1111

Anti Bullying Information

Useful links for parents/carers and young people regarding mental health issues



Bereavement Information

Night Owls

Confidential support line for children and young people in crisis

Bullying support and advice

Our Academy community treats all accusations of bullying as serious matters of concern. Teaching and support staff are aware of the need for vigilance and will follow up any incident that could involve bullying. Students are encouraged to take a key role in making our school a safe and happy place for everyone. They should tell someone if they are being bullied or see any form of bullying

Key Staff

Designated Safeguarding Officer – Mr M Hicks (Vice Principal)

Staff training

All key staff have received the relevant training in Safeguarding from Doncaster LA to the appropriate level for their roles

Every member of staff at Ash Hill Academy has received appropriate safeguarding training to enable them to fulfil their roles in the protection of every student.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead has received the latest ‘Prevent’ training aimed at supporting schools in their roles in preventing extremism and radicalisation.

All staff at Ash Hill Academy will also receive the relevant ‘Prevent’ training to support them in their roles in preventing extremism and radicalisation.

All staff at Ash Hill Academy are aware of the relevant guidance from the Department for Education in relation to the safeguarding of children. 

What to do if you are concerned?

If you have any concerns over the safeguarding, or welfare of any student at Ash Hill Academy, please contact one of the Safeguarding Officers. They can be contacted on by clicking the button below:

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